Delivering the best care


Jude Allsopp

Senior Occupational Therapist (Forensic Intensive Recovery Support)
Jude Allsopp
The Challenge
Peter was reluctant to engage in cooking sessions - lacked confidence, skills & had a limited diet. He was losing weight, his lack of skills prevented him from moving on. He found it difficult to follow verbal instructions or remember simple tasks.
The Change
We worked on 2 simple meals that he liked; Bolognese and curry, using Quorn instead of mince, jars of sauce and boil in bag rice; reducing the number of steps significantly. I introduced written step wise instructions and an over learning technique.
The Impact
Peter loved the written instructions, his performance improved immediately. Peter never missed a session, is able to cook his 2 meals independently safely and confidently. He is keen to extend his repertoire of meals & is moving to independent living
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