Delivering the best care


Elma McAvoy

Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist
Elma McAvoy
The Challenge
83 year old Margaret fell in the garden and fractured her hip. She was unable to get into bed independently, due to pain and weakness, and was very anxious as to how she was going to cope at home, especially as she usually got up to the toilet several times during the night.
The Change
The Occupational Therapist assessed Margaret, and provided a “Leg Lifter”, a piece of equipment which helps the person lift their leg into bed. After practice Margaret was able to use this to get into bed independently.
The Impact
Margaret was able to return home without the need for assistance. She was able to go to bed at whatever time she wished, and was confident that if she got out of bed during the night she was able to get back in independently and safely.
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